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Top 10 Largest Mosque in World | World’s Biggest Mosque

Top 10 Largest Mosque in the world:- Among the most populous religion in the world. Islam constitutes 24.9%, with a population of 1.907billion. Islam is also the fasting growing major religion in the world. There are large Shia communities in Afganistan, India, Kuwait, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE. Out of 195, there are around 45 Islamic countries.

Top 10 Largest Mosque in World

This article lists consists of mosques around the world that belong to any Islamic school where around 15,000 worshippers can read their namaz simultaneously. Mosques are also known as dargah or masjids. Moreover, there are around 3.6 million mosques in the world.

No. 1 Masjid al-Haram

Masjid al-Haram, or The Sacred Mosque, also known as the Great Mosque of Mecca, is a mosque located in the Makkah Province of Saudi Arabia. It is a site that is believed that every Muslim should visit once in the life during the main phase of Umrah. The lesser pilgrimage can be undertaken during any time of the year.

  • Capacity: 4,000,000
  • Area [meter square]: 356,000
  • City: Mecca
  • Country: Saudi Arabia
  • Year of first building: Pre-622

No. 2 Al-Masjid an-Nabawi

Al-Masjid an-Nabawi or as translated in English, The Prophets Mosque, also known by other names as Al Haram, Al Haram Al Madaniand Al Haram Al Nabawi by the local people of Saudi Arabia. It is located in the Al Madinah Province of Saudi Arabia. It was the second mosque built by Muhammad in Medina and is now the second holiest place site after Masjid al-Haram in Mecca.

  • Capacity: 1,500,00
  • Area [meter square]: 384,000
  • City: Medina
  • Country: Saudi Arabia
  • Year of first building: 623

No. 3 Imam Ali Shrine

Imam Ali Shrine, or the sanctuary of Imam Ali, also known as the mosque of Ali, is located in Najaf, Iraq. It is a mosque that houses the tomb of Ali in Abi Talib, who was the cousin of Muhammad and later became his son-in-law. The Shia consider Ali s their first Imam, while the Sunnis regard him as the fourth Sunni Rashid Caliph.

  • Capacity: 800,000
  • City: Najaf
  • Country: Iraq
  • Year of first building:  900

No. 4 Imam Reza Shrine

The Imam Rez Shrine is located in the Mashhad city of Iran. It is a complex that contains the mausoleum of Imam Reza, the eighth Imam of Twelver Shias. The shrine is also the world’s largest mosque in terms of area. It contains a museum, a library, four seminaries, a dining hall for pilgrims, vast prayer halls, and a cemetery. This complex is a tourist spot as well as also known as the heart of Shia Iran.

  • Capacity: 700,000
  • Area [meter square]: 598,657
  • City: Mashhad
  • Country:  Iran
  • Year of first building: 729

No.5 Faisal Mosque

The Faisal Mosque is a mosque located in Islamabad, Pakistan. It is the fifth-largest mosque n the world and also the largest mosque in South Asia. It is situated in the foothills of Margalla Hills in Pakistan’s capital, Islamabad. Faisal Mosque is a tourist attraction in Pakistan and also a contemporary piece of Islamic architecture. Faisal Mosque is named after king Faisal who granted  $28million for its construction.

  • Capacity: 300,000
  • Area [meter square]: 130,000
  • City: Islamabad
  • Country: Pakistan
  • Year of first building: 1986

No. 6 Istiqlal Mosque

Istiqlal Mosque or Independence mosque is situated in Jakarta city of Indonesia. It is also the largest mosque in terms of worshippers’ capacity and the sixth-largest mosque in the world. Moreover is the largest mosque in Southeast Asia. The mosque was opened to the public on 22 February 1978whithin Jakarta; the mosque is positioned next to Merdeka Square and Jakarta cathedral.

  • Capacity: 200,000
  • City: Jakarta
  • Country: Indonesia
  • Year of first building: 1978

No.7 Taj-ul-Masjid

The Taj-ul-Masajid, or the Crown of Mosques, is a mosque located in the Bhopal city of Madhya Pradesh, India. It is the largest mosque in India and one of the largest mosques in the world. The mosque was not completed due to the lack of funds after the long war of 1857. However, construction was resumed in 1971 by Allama Mohammad Imran Khan Nadwi Azhari and Maulana Sayed Hashmat Ali Saheb of Bhopal.

  • Capacity: 175,000
  • Area [meter square]: 23,000
  • City: Bhopal
  • Country: India
  • Year of first building: 1901

No. 8 Jamkaran Mosque

The Jamkaran Mosque is one of the primary mosque sites in Jamkaran, a village on the outskirts of Qom, Iran. It is believed that one Shiek Hassan ibn Muthlih Jamkarani is reported to have met Muhammad al-Mahdi along with the prophet Al-Khidr. However, sometime in 1995-2005, the mosque’s reputation spread, and many pilgrims, particularly young people, began to come to it.

  • Capacity: 150,000
  • City: Qom
  • Country: Iran
  • Year of first building: 984

No. 9 Djamaa el Djazir (Top 10 Largest Mosque in World)

Djamaa el Djazir is also known as the Great Mosque of Algiers, located in Algiers, Algeria. It houses the world’s tallest minaret and is the third-largest mosque globally after the Great Mosque of Meca and Al-Masjid-Nabawiof Medina in Saudi Arabia. The construction of the mosque was seen by many to serve as a symbol of the reign of long-serving president Abdelaziz Bouteflika.

  • Capacity: 120,000
  • Area [meter square]: 200,000
  • City: Algiers
  • Country: Algeria
  • Year of first building: 1999

No. 10 Hasan II Mosque (Top 10 Largest Mosque in World)

The Hasan II Mosque is a mosque in Casablanca, Morocco. It is the second-largest functioning mosque in Africa and is one the largest mosque in the world. Its minaret is the world’s second tallest minaret at 210 meters. Completed in1993, it was designed by Michel Pinseau under the guidance of King Hasan II and built by Moroccan artisans from all over the kingdom.

  • Capacity: 105,000
  • City: Casablanca
  • Country: Morocco
  • Year of first building: 2019


1. Which is the holiest mosque of Islam? 

Masjid al-Haram is the holiest mosque of Islam.

2. Which is the largest Mosque in the world in terms of area?

Imam Rez Shrine is the largest mosque in the world in terms of area.

3. Which mosque is known as the crown of all mosques?

Taj-ul-Masajid is known as the crown of mosques.

4. Which mosque has the tallest minaret in the world?

Djamaa el Djazir has the tallest minaret in the world.

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