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Top 10 Zinc Rich Foods In India | Boost Immune Rich Food

Top 10 Zinc Rich Foods In India: Have you ever wondered what vitamins and minerals our body need daily? What are the essential minerals that we must intake to ensure the smooth functioning of our body? Various minerals are essential for humans, but one of the most important minerals is Zinc.

Zinc is in cells throughout our body, and it does not only help our immune system to fight against various diseases but is also needed for us to maintain our senses of smell and taste. It also helps in healing wounds and breaking down the carbohydrates. The importance of this mineral has greatly enhanced the current covid pandemic situation. As suggested by doctors worldwide, we need to be in a surplus of zinc to fight this macabre situation. So here are the top ten zinc-rich foods in India that you can eat and keep yourself zinc-filled.

Top 10 Zinc Rich Foods In India | Boost Immune Rich Food

  1. Meat

Meat is one of the best sources of zinc, and it tops our list due to the amount of zinc it contains per serving. Red meat like pork, lamb, goat, chicken, and beef is a great source of zinc. A 100 gm of beef contains 4.8gm of zinc which covers up to 44% of the daily zinc need in our body. In addition, it also provides 20 gm protein to the body, which is important for muscle development. Further, it contains other nutrients like iron, vitamin B, and creatine.

  1. Seafood

Kinds of seafood like crabs, lobster, shellfish, oysters contain a great amount of zinc in them, which is almost equivalent to meat. A king crab of around 3 ounces can deliver 6.5 mg of zinc to your body which covers up to 60% of the daily recommended need of the body. A full lobster contains 4.7gm of zinc that provides you a decent amount of the mineral. Other plates of seafood such as salmon and shellfish are also a great source of zinc.

  1. Seeds

Seeds not only provide you a decent amount of zinc, but they can prove as one of the healthiest options to your diet plan. Seeds like pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, sesame seeds contain a good amount of zinc and all other essential minerals required for our body. Seeds contain fiber, healthy fat, vitamins, and minerals which can really help you in several ways.

  1. Legumes

Beans, chickpeas, and lentils not only contain a good amount of zinc in them but are also a tastier option to eat for vegans. Even though they are a good source of zinc, they also provide protein and fiber to the body. So, if you are a gym-going person, who is vegan, then this is your choice. Sprouts are also great for those who work out regularly as they provide the necessary minerals and protein to your diet.

  1. Nuts

The importance of eating nuts has already been taught to us very well by our parents and grandparents. Well, guess what? They are right. Nuts not only contain a good amount of vitamins and minerals, but they also contain healthy fiber and fats. Nuts like cashew, almonds, peanuts, walnuts, etc., are a wealthy source of such minerals. Not is it just easy to grab a handful of nuts and munch them, they are also delicious to eat, and studies have shown that eat nuts reduces the risk of various diseases like cancer, diabetes, and heart attack. So next time if your parents tell you to eat almonds, do what they say.

  1. Dairy products

Eating dairy products like milk, paneer, curd, cheese can provide you a decent amount of zinc in your body. These products contain bioavailable zinc, which means your body can absorb it easily. We are all known for the benefits of having milk. Not only it provides you zinc, but it also gives you a decent amount of calcium, vitamin D, good bone health and also saves you from your mom scolding you for not drinking it.

  1. Eggs

Eggs also contain an adequate amount of zinc. It is not as much as meat or other seafood, but the easy availability and cooking make it one of the best sources of zinc and protein. Egg white is also the cleanest source of natural protein in the world. It contains various other minerals like selenium and vitamin D.

  1. Whole Grains

Although whole grains do not contain a great amount of zinc, it contains important nutrients like fiber, vitamin B, manganese, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, and selenium and some zinc. Eating whole grains has various other health benefits, such as reducing the risk of heart attack and diabetes. And those who want to reduce their fat percentage should start eating whole grains.

  1. Vegetables

In general, all vegetables are not the top foods rich in zinc, but some veggies contain a decent amount of zinc to add to your daily requirements. Potatoes and beans are some of the vegetables to contain zinc.  In India, every household generally cooks vegetables daily as a cultural and traditional food to eat. They are known to contain important minerals and vitamins for the daily needs of our body. Green vegetables are known for their benefits to the eyes.

  1. Dark Chocolate

This may be the last food on our list, but it may be the number one choice for many of you reading this blog. Chocolates are everybody’s favorite. A child or an adult, everybody loves chocolates. This may have come as a surprise for many of you, but dark chocolates contain a reasonable amount of zinc. A 100gm dark chocolate bar can contain up to 4 mg of zinc. Other than zinc, they are also known to be beneficial for the heart and increase testosterone levels in males. So, it’s a win-win situation.

Conclusion (Top 10 Zinc Rich Foods)

So, these are the top ten zinc-rich foods in India that you can add to your diet and maintain a healthy amount of zinc in your body to fight diseases and maintain good health. The list includes both veg and nonveg food options and the foods that can be cooked or eaten raw. So, you can choose the foods that you can eat according to your preferences, taste, lifestyle, or availability. So, what are you waiting for? Go and get your favorite! and get the amount of zinc and important minerals from it to boost your immunity.

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